

19 november 2022

As part of the activities of the Sport #WithoutWaste project, the partners engage to determine the meaning of Sport #WithoutWaste in each country, key components of the concept, as well as understanding among the target group. 

At the kick-off meeting in Sofia in July 2022, the partner consortium discussed and defined the framework for the data collection, target groups, as well as the timeline. In the next few weeks, Nabolagshager (Norway) as a lead of the process structured the key steps, as partners from Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey were tasked to reach the participants and organisers of the grassroots sport events to help define what Sport #WithoutWaste means to different stakeholders, what exactly makes a sports event “green,” and establish which challenges and opportunities partner countries face when implementing Sport #WithoutWaste events. 

The quantitative study targeted two important project stakeholders: those who participate in Sport #WithoutWaste events, and those who organize them, as this target group holds essential information that can support the implementation of the project. 370 valid responses were collected from 6 partner countries on key trends and challenges. 

It will take a few more weeks to finalise the research and share the results, but it is apparent that the project will fill significant gaps in understanding what makes a sports event “green” and what the perceptions are among the target groups. The activities will continue with partners piloting the Sport #WithoutWaste events in 6 countries throughout next year.

Sport #WithoutWaste is a movement initiated by BG Be Active and supported by the efforts of the partner organisations from 7 other European countries: International Sport and Culture Association (Denmark), Nabolagshager (Norway), AJSPT Suceava (Romania), Hungarian School Sport Federation (Hungary), Albanian School Sport Federation / FSHSSH (Albania), Association Sport for All Serbia / ASFAS (Serbia), and Envercevko (Turkey). 

If you are interested to know how to help us with project implementation, how to take part in our activities or have any questions related to topic, please, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Sport #WithoutWaste is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.