
Sport #WithoutWaste


Sport #WithoutWaste

The Sport #WithoutWaste project is a multidisciplinary collaborative partnership focusing on 6 countries in the Balkan region: Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Albania, and Turkey. 

The project aspires to transfer, adapt and scale the tested national practices on having cities and events #WithoutWaste from Bulgaria to the partnering countries with a focus on the local sports sector. With partners and their local networks, we aim to create and transfer the without waste ideas to other local sports organizers and educational institutions such as schools and universities.

Throughout the project we will:

The main goal of the project is to start a Sport#WithoutWaste movement involving grassroots sport by coordinating waste-free grassroots sports events and building the capacity of relevant stakeholders to coordinate these events.

In developing this project, the working group will also work to develop and introduce waste prevention policies and sustainable practices for grassroots sports campaigns and events.


Mass events such as festivals, concerts and shows, sports events, etc. are some of the most enjoyable and highly anticipated events in any city. However, apart from the beautiful atmosphere they create, they also bring a lot of waste. We tend to pay little attention to where we throw our waste, often leaving behind lots of glass and plastic bottles, as well as paper and plastic wrap. If a special waste collection system is not created, not all recyclable waste will be able to be recycled, damaging the environment.


View all the partners of the Sport #WithoutWaste project.


  1. Sport #WithoutWaste | Resorcees | Sport #WithoutWaste Research (sportwithoutwaste.org)

  2. Guide for Grassroots Sport Events #WithoutWaste Sport #WithoutWaste (sportwithoutwaste.org)

  3. Guide for School-Based Sport Events #WithoutWaste Sport #WithoutWaste (sportwithoutwaste.org)

  4. Events #WithoutWaste – Guidebook Sport #WithoutWaste | Guide (sportwithoutwaste.org)

  5. Recycling Lessons – Guidebook Sport #WithoutWaste (sportwithoutwaste.org)

  6. Going Green in Sport Toolkit Sport #WithoutWaste (sportwithoutwaste.org)

  7. Action Pack Sport #WithoutWaste | Sport Without Waste - Action Pack

  8. Policy Recommendations Sport #WithoutWaste | Policy Recommendations (sportwithoutwaste.org) 



Sports medicine, how endangered children are according to Professor Rauf Dimraj - Mjekësia sportive, ja sa të rrezikuar janë fëmijët sipas prof. Rauf Dimraj | "Zona 30" (youtube.com)

Benefits of waste free sport - Dobia për një sport pa ndotje | JavaNews.al

How to do sport without waste - Dobia për një sport pa ndotje - Tirana Web

Sports activities without waste, a movement that save health - Rauf Dimraj: Veprimtaritë sportive pa mbeturina, lëvizje që shpëtojnë shëndetin | Gazeta Telegraf

How to do sport without waste - Si të bësh një sport të pastër (voxnews.al)

Running race:








Sport #WithoutWaste (SWW) is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The Sport #WithoutWaste project is a multidisciplinary collaborative partnership focusing on 6 countries in the Balkan region: Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Albania, and Turkey.