Federata Shqiptare e Sportit Shkollor (FSHSSH) is a NGO, founded in Tirana (Albania) on April 14th 2016 by PE teachers’ associations members. On May 16th 2016, FSHSSH has been registered with the Court Decision No. 5339. The federation exercises its activity based on the Law No. Law no. 105/2020 “On Sport”, ‘Article 6 - Physical education and sports in the education system’, on the Law No. 8788, dated 07.05.2001 “On Non-profit Organizations”, as well as on the principles of the European Sports Charter and the recommendations of the international organizations in the field of grassroots sports, health & wellbeing.
FSHSSH has extensive experience and expertise in implementing projects, school sport events for all children aged 6-18 (including children with special needs), moving entertainment games for kids in kindergarten aged 3-6, in delivering professional trainings for PE teachers and kindergarten teachers in Albania (theoretically and practically) and to lead scientific seminars, conferences (national & international), school championships, workshops, as well as to publish studies on educational standards and books.
FSHSSH’s work is guided by scientific principles to take care of the health and wellbeing of the Albanian society and is the leader for implementing the new scientific strategy ‘Physical Education Scientific Platform in the Pre-University Education System in Albania’.