REGISTER SCHOOL your school today for Europian School Sport Day! Participation in the Day requires getting your school to #BeActive for at least 120 minutes by running, playing games, dancing, skipping rope or any other kind of physical activity.
Organisation is voluntary and requires the support of:
- Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth
- Kindergarten and Schools of Pre-University system (public and private)
- Municipalities and Local Communities
- Media
- Teachers, parents and other actors
With the support of school administration, anyone can propose and organise a Day.
What makes your Day ESSD official?
Getting your school to #BeActive for at least 120 minutes. Run or walk the distance of the given year (e.g. 2019 meters in 2019). Running, hopping, skipping, dancing: any kind of physical activity counts.
1. Register school at ESSD
2. #BeActive for 120 minutes or more
Use this toolkit to get your school on the move for ESSD!